The British Society for Occlusal Studies (BSOS) is a group dedicated to the study of of occlusion particularly focusing on issues like jaw pain, teeth grinding and bite problems. They offer specialized training to diagnose and treat such conditions, promoting a deep understanding of bite mechanics and related issues.

Meet our committee, starting with:

Dr Jette Holbrook

Tandlaege (Copenhagen)

MSc RDP (U. Lond) 

When and why did you begin occlusal training?
In 1994, my husband and I had just bought our dental practice and were overloaded and frustrated with the NHS Dentistry. We came across both Paul Tipton and Roy Higson’s courses and they eased us out of NHS Dentistry. It quickly became apparent that occlusion and TMD affected potentially every aspect of Dentistry and therefore became core in our daily practising lives.

Did someone in particular get you started on your occlusal journey?
Yes, another colleague from York called Richard Yates who always seemed to enjoy his Dentistry hugely and belonged due to a very special small eminent group called British Society For Occlusal Studies. We eventually managed to join the group and have never regretted it. We have made many friends over the years who have all enriched our personal and professional lives.

Training/experience you have & the difference it has made to your dentistry?
In order to leave NH Dentistry behind we needed to enhance our clinical skills and I stated above we started with courses run by Paul Tipton and Roy Higson back in the 1990s. We then supplemented our training With Roy Higson and USA colleagues: Dr John Bassett, Dr Ken Peters, Dr Bill Comcowhitch, with courses in the USA in TMD run by Dr Henry Gremillion and Jeff Okeson. Shortly after that we started attending the American Equilibration Society courses in Chicago annually which is something I still do to this day. Throughout the years belonging to British Society For Occlusal Studies have given us accent to excellent teaching by a wide breadth of teachers: Dr Peter DAWSON, Dr John Cranham, Dr Terri Tanaka, Dr Jeff Okeeon, Dr Basil Mizrahi, Doctors Pascal and Michelle Magne and so many others. In 2012 I completed my MSc in Dentistry writing my thesis in ‘The use of the Michigan occlusal appliance in restorative dentistry’ at the Eastman in London. Through my membership of the American Equilibration Society I was eventually invited to sit on the board of AES which I did for four years. For over 10 years I have also belonged to the scientific investigative committee of the selfsame institution where we annually trawl through all the literature published.

What makes you want to share your knowledge? What drives your enthusiasm?
The knowledge which has been shared with me throughout 25 years has had the most profound effect on my own Dentistry. I truly have absolutely no idea how people practice successful Dentistry without this knowledge. Every day, I use my occlusal knowledge. Sometimes simply for easing a high filling or eliminating fremitus and other times rebuilding entire dentitions through a meticulous controlled process aiming for the least invasive outcome . I feel obliged to share the knowledge which has so generously and painstakingly been shared with me. Having started on the teaching journey I now personally find it very satisfying to see colleagues grasp the value of my most passionate subject and be able to incorporate it in their own Dentistry to the Shared joy of both Dentist and Patient.

Why BSOS? What makes us different?
BSOS is a nonprofit organisation where Dentists come together in their shared quest to learn more about occlusion and TMD. I myself have very much benefited from learning with other colleagues and made profound lifelong friendships. BSOS is now a place where I can ask for advice and occasionally offer some too.